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Tips for Choosing Homeschooling Properly for Junior High School Students

Tips for Choosing Homeschooling Properly for Junior High School Students
Maret 12, 2024 laskarui
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home schooling

For this reason, choosing homeschooling or regular school for junior high school children is of course aimed at ensuring that the child gets the best. Just like formal schools, homeschooling also has various advantages to offer, for example, parents can select their own homeschool teacher.

Behind the various advantages offered, there are several things you need to know before choosing homeschooling for middle school students. To find out in full, see the following explanation.

Tips for Choosing Homeschooling Properly for Junior High School Students

Just like choosing a formal school, you as a parent should not be careless when choosing homeschooling for your child. Think everything through carefully. Moreover, homeschooling is different from formal school. The following are tips for choosing the right homeschool for middle school students:

5 Tips for Choosing the Right Homeschooling for Middle School Students

1. Understand the Goals of Homeschooling

Before you choose the homeschool you want, you should first understand the purpose of homeschooling itself. Know the main goal and then find out whether it will affect the child’s achievement or not. In Minister of Education and Culture Regulation no. 129 of 2014 has explained that the objectives of organizing homeschooling are as follows:

Fulfillment of quality primary and secondary education services for students who come from families who determine their children’s education through homeschooling

Serving students who need academic education and life skills flexibly to improve the quality of life.

Fulfillment of educational services in a conscious, orderly and directed manner with priority to foster and apply independence in learning, which is carried out by families and the environment in the form of independent learning where learning can take place at home or other places in a conducive atmosphere with the aim that everyone A child’s unique potential can develop optimally.

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2. Looking for References

You also have to look for various homeschooling institution references and then compare them with each other, choosing the one that suits your child’s educational goals. To get references, you can join forums that specifically discuss homeschooling. Generally, this forum will share information with each other about various things related to homeschooling.

3. Authority to Select Curriculum and Learning Methods

If in formal schools parents do not have the authority to determine the curriculum and learning methods for children, homeschooling is the opposite. When a child is homeschooled, parents have full authority to choose and develop a curriculum and learning methods that they feel are appropriate for the child’s age.

Regarding time flexibility, homeschooling is also superior to formal schooling. Parents can arrange their child’s study schedule, according to their other activities or needs, for example, if there is material that they have not really mastered, parents can increase their child’s study hours.

4. Discuss with Children

Children play a major role in the learning process. To grow their sense of self-confidence and respect, you must also invite children to discuss this matter. If there is an agreement between the child and parents to determine a homeschooling institution, this means that the teaching and learning process will run smoothly.

5. Ensure a conducive learning environment for children

Parents also have full control over how to create a conducive learning environment for their children. If your child has been in formal school before homeschooling, their mindset may have been formed that the learning conditions at school are conducive.

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This means there are tables and chairs, projectors, whiteboards, laboratories and other facilities. Even though it doesn’t have to be exactly the same, parents must change to a study room that has all the equipment their children need to study, just like in schools in general.

Create disciplinary rules like at school, regarding when to study, when you can rest or stop studying. That way, even though they are studying at home, children still know how to be disciplined in learning and how to obey the rules.

5 are the advantages of homeschooling

1. Children can develop their talents and be creative freely

The homeschooling learning method can give children more freedom to be creative and creative, because they are more focused without anyone’s interference. The key to proper education for children is actually not generalized.

Because every child has interests, talents and the ability to process information in different ways. Homeschooling can facilitate children’s creativity and talents, because it makes children more focused. Apart from that, children are also freer to express what is on their minds.

2. Easier for Parents to Monitor

As we know, the homeschooling method is private, making progress in children’s education easier to monitor.

Not only that, the homeschooling method for children can also make their learning activities more focused. You can get to know their weaknesses, character and strengths so you can direct them quickly.

3. Study Time Becomes More Flexible

One of the biggest advantages of the homeschooling method is that study time is more flexible. Teachers, children and parents can discuss in advance the appropriate learning time and how long learning activities last in a day.

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In addition, children will be given the freedom to determine the frequency, location and schedule of what subjects they will study.

4. Protected From Promiscuity

Social influence is still a frightening threat for parents who have children at an unstable age. Therefore, the homeschooling system can minimize the influence of promiscuity or bad relationships, such as free sex, illegal drugs, brawls, and so on. Even to prevent children from buying dangerous snacks out there.

5. Children more easily digest information

The final advantage of homeschooling is that the learning system is more private, allowing children to ask questions without hesitation whenever they want. They can discuss with the teacher because children can generally learn to focus more without being disturbed by their friends, which is different from formal education.

When children have difficulties, they can get solutions directly. This is the reason why homeschooled children generally develop faster.

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