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Narrative Text Explained: Definition, Structure, and Examples

Narrative Text Explained: Definition, Structure, and Examples
Juli 8, 2024 laskarui
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Narrative Text Explained

Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is a text that is often used because of its interactive and storytelling nature. If you have a hobby of reading or are pursuing a writing profession. So it is mandatory to know what a narrative text is. Because the ability to compose narrative paragraphs is one of the important things in becoming a professional writer. Where the results of the writing can be interesting and informative, as well as easy to understand.

In general, writing an essay can adapt its development techniques to the purpose of the writing itself. If you want to convey the latest information, you can use news text techniques. However, if you want to tell a story in detail and invite readers to experience the story or event. So the use of narrative techniques is his choice. Check out the meaning, characteristics, structure and types of narrative text below.

Understanding Narrative Text

Etymologically or from the origin of the word, the word narrative comes from the Latin verb “narrare” which means to say. It is also known that this verb comes from the adjective gnarus which means knowing or skilled. Meanwhile, the meaning of the text itself is a non-interactive monologue speech.

So, narrative text or paragraphs are a type of text or a pattern of paragraph development which is intended or useful for explaining an event or events in sequence and detail. So this paragraph development pattern has an element of time development or is chronological.

However, what is the difference with news text? In news texts, generally the aim is only to convey information or news and events. However, in the narrative development pattern, the writer is required to invite the reader as if they were in the middle of the event.

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Or in other words, with basic development, the reader will truly understand what the feelings and sensations were like when experiencing the event. So not only do you know, but you also develop feelings of empathy and participate in experiencing events that develop indirectly.

Another difference with news texts is that narrative texts contain elements of fiction or composition and imagination. So, it is different from news texts, which must consist of facts that have been verified and the source must be credible. All narrative paragraphs are fictional.

So that the writer can develop stories and events with the widest imagination. However, how to develop paragraphs using this technique can also be applied to non-fiction writing or scientific writing. Narrative in the form of fiction has the ability to provide an aesthetic experience or an exciting and enjoyable experience to the reader.

So this paragraph can be a medium to broaden your horizons as well as entertain you. This is the reason why this first paragraph development technique is more popular with readers. In developing narrative paragraphs in fiction writing, there are also three main things, namely characters, events, and then setting (which includes space and time).

So these three things must be included in detail so that a paragraph can be known and can be called a narrative paragraph. The person who writes paragraphs or narrative text is called a narrator.

The forms of this text vary greatly, such as essays, fairy tales, films and also news. If the news text tends to be stiff and informative, to make the news more interesting, it is developed using narrative techniques so that it has an element of entertaining the reader.

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Characteristics of Narrative Text

So, here is an explanation of the characteristics of narrative text. A text can be said to be a narrative essay if it meets the following characteristics:

  1. The text contains stories, tales and certain events that use a narrative language style.
  2. The story has a clear plot from the beginning to the end of the story.
  3. There is an event or conflict.
  4. Has forming elements in the form of theme, setting, plot, characters and point of view.
  5. There are elements of time series and information.
  6. Highlight the elements of action and deeds.
  7. There is an atmosphere, place and time setting.
  8. Have a clear character and character.
  9. Use a sequence of interconnected times and places.

Narrative Text Structure

Narrative texts have a structure, there are at least four main parts in narrative texts, along with their explanation.

1. Orientation

Orientation is the stage of introducing the story at the beginning of a narrative text. In this section the author provides various detailed information about the characters involved, background, place and time. Usually orientation is marked by the sentence “once upon a time”, or “in ancient times” in a fairy tale. If it is nonfiction, orientation is the stage of problem description.

2. Complications

Complication is a stage in describing a story or the beginning of a problem or conflict in a story. The reactions of the figures involved in this issue are also at this stage. The complication stage occurs until it reaches the climax or peak of the problem in the story.

3. Resolution

Resolution is the problem solving stage. At this stage, the conflict begins to subside until it is resolved or complete. Usually the main characters have succeeded in overcoming the problems they are facing at this stage. Narrative texts do not always have a happy ending or resolution, it all depends on the conflict.

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4. Coda

Coda is the closing stage of the text which contains the moral message or message of the story being told. This stage is optional, meaning it is not mandatory in a narrative text.

Types of Narrative Text

Narrative texts are divided into three types, namely expository, artistic and suggestive. The following is a complete explanation.

1. Expository (Informative) Narrative

Expository narrative is text that has the aim of conveying information about an event precisely and clearly. This type of expository narrative text can expand the reader’s knowledge. The language used must be logical, refer to facts, and be objective.

2. Artistic Narrative

Artistic narrative is a type of narrative text that can be fiction or nonfiction. Usually this narrative tells a story with the aim of entertaining and providing a beautiful (aesthetic) experience to the reader. For example, novels, short stories or fairy tales.

3. Suggestive Narrative

Suggestive narrative is a type of narrative text created to convey the intention of influencing the reader. Suggestive narratives have views that they want to share with others, in the hope that these views can be adopted by readers.

So, that’s a discussion of narrative texts, starting from the meaning, characteristics, structure and types. Hopefully this discussion will be useful, OK?

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