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Examples of Biographical Texts of Figures Indonesian Language High School Lessons

Examples of Biographical Texts of Figures Indonesian Language High School Lessons
Mei 15, 2024 laskarui
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Biographical text

Examples of Biographical Texts of Figures Indonesian Language High School Lessons

So that you can better understand what a biographical text is, you must pay attention to the examples in this article. Please note that preparing a biographical text can be said to be difficult and easy. The biographical text itself aims to educate the public regarding the various sides of the character written about. The following are several examples of biographical texts for various figures that are interesting to observe and read.

Examples of Character Biography Texts and Their Structure

Biographical Text of Ki Hajar Dewantara

1. Orientation

Ki Hajar Dewantara’s birth date is Yogyakarta on May 2 1889. He belonged to the Yogyakarta palace family. As a child he had the name Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat. When he was 40 years old, his name was changed to Ki Hajar Dewantara. This is because he was very close to the people without any barriers between the nobility and the people. Ki Hajar Dewantara breathed his last breath on April 28 1958 in Yogyakarta.

2. Event or Problem

Ki Hajar Dewantara received his final education at the Stovia school, one of the Bumiputera medical schools. In 1912, to be precise on December 25 1912, Ki Hajar Dewantara formed the Indische Partij with dr. Cipto Mangoenkosoemo and Douwes Dekker. The organization he formed was not approved by the Dutch government.

However, Ki Hajar Dewantara continued to fight by creating the Bumiputera committee in November 1913. In 1918, Ki Hajar Dewantara was exiled by the Dutch government to the Netherlands with his friends. After he returned to Indonesia, he finally formed a national university with his friends.

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The name of the national college is National Onderwijs with the name Taman Siswa National College which was inaugurated on July 3 1922. Ki Hajar Dewantara has an important role in the basic foundation of national education for the nation.

He is not only considered a national education figure or hero. He was also designated as a hero of the national movement.

4. Reorient

From his enthusiasm and the services he has provided to this nation, especially in the field of education, it is fitting that he should not be forgotten.

BJ Habibie Biography Text

1. Orientation

BJ Habibie was born on June 25 1936 in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi. His full name is Prof. Dr. (HC) Ing Dr. Sc Mult Bacharudin Jusuf Habibie. He is also the third president of the Republic of Indonesia. Apart from having served as president of the Republic of Indonesia, BJ Habibie has served as vice president number 7 of the Republic of Indonesia. He is famous for his mastery of intelligence in several fields.

2. Event or Problem

BJ Habibie studied at the Bandung Institute of Technology and majored in mechanical engineering. During 6 months of studying at ITB, he continued his studies at Rhenisch Wafelische Technische Germany.

While studying, his education costs were helped by his mother, who had a catering business. While studying in Germany, he focused on studying aircraft design and construction at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

It takes 5 years to complete education in Germany. Finally, BJ Habibie obtained an Ingenenieur Diploma or Engineering Diploma and received the best title (summa cum laude).

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3. Reorient

In 1962 he married a female friend from his high school days, Mrs. Hasri Ainun. After getting married, BJ Habibie continued his education by taking a doctoral program. During his lifetime he made many contributions to Indonesia. One of them became the first Indonesian aircraft maker.

Biographical Text of Mohammad Hatta

1. Orientation

Drs. H. Mohammad Hatta or better known as Bung Hatta was the first vice president of Indonesia, apart from that he was also a fighter, statesman and economist. The man born in Fort de Kock, Dutch East Indies (now Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia) 12 August 1902, whose birth name was Mohammad Attar, was the second child of Muhammad Djamil and Siti Saleha.

On November 18 1945, Bung Hatta married Rahmi Hatta and after 3 days of marriage they moved and lived in Yogyakarta. Their marriage was blessed with 3 daughters, namely Shepherd Rabi’ah Hatta, Meutia Farida Hatta, and Halida Nuriah Hatta.

2. Event or Problem

Moh. Hatta was the first vice president in Indonesia. He played a very important role in helping Soekarno and the founding fathers of the nation to achieve independence.

Apart from serving as vice president, Bung Hatta also served as prime minister in the Hatta I-II and RIS Cabinets. On 1956 Bung Hatta resigned as vice president because of a dispute with President Soekarno. He is a figure who loves reading and is known as the Father of Indonesian Cooperatives.

He also promoted the economy with a spirit of mutual cooperation among the community. Cooperatives are also an economic pillar from the smallest level, namely the village. With villages that have economic and food power, the nation can become stronger.

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3. Reorient

For his services, Bung Hatta’s name was immortalized in the name of an international airport in Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia together with Ir. Soekarno, namely Soekarno-Hatta Airport.

Apart from Indonesia, his name has also been immortalized as the name of a street called Mohammed Hattastraat in Zuiderpolder, Haarlem, Netherlands. On March 14 1980 at the age of 77, Bung Hatta died in Jakarta.

So, those are some examples of biographical texts and their structures that you might not know.

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