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Tips to Expand English Vocabulary for Junior High School Students

Tips to Expand English Vocabulary for Junior High School Students
April 16, 2024 laskarui
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Tips to Expand English Vocabulary for Junior High School Students

Vocabulary is an important part of learning English. By expanding our vocabulary, we can communicate more easily, fluently and effectively. The following are tips for expanding English vocabulary for junior high school students:

Here are Tips for Expanding English Vocabulary for Middle School Students

1. Read

One of the best ways to expand your English vocabulary is to read widely in the language. Read a variety of texts such as books, articles and newspapers in English.

If you encounter unfamiliar words, write them down in your vocabulary journal. You can also use context clues to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words.

2. Listen

Apart from reading, listening is also key in improving English vocabulary. Listen to podcasts and audiobooks in English, and communicate with as many native English speakers as possible. The more often you are exposed to English, the faster your vocabulary will develop.

3. Write

Writing practice is also important for expanding your English vocabulary. Do regular writing exercises, such as writing short essays, stories, or letters.

You could try keeping a personal journal in English, where you can record your daily experiences and use the vocabulary you just learned. Additionally, use apps and websites that can help build your English vocabulary.

4. Speak

Participate in as many English conversations as possible. Join a language exchange program, you can also take English classes, or hire a tutor. By speaking English actively, you will become familiar with the vocabulary used in the real world.

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5. Utilize technology

Take advantage of technology in an effort to improve your English vocabulary. Use apps as well as available English learning software. Follow interesting blogs or websites in English. Join an English speaking online community to practice and share knowledge.

6. Watch English Movies and TV Shows

Watching English films and television shows can help us improve our English vocabulary and understanding. Try activating the subtitle option in English to help understand the words spoken.

If you find new words, note them down and find out the meaning after watching. In addition, pay attention to the use of vocabulary in different contexts in film or television show dialogue.

7. Set goals and track progress

The next tip is to set achievable goals in improving your English vocabulary. Make sure you can measure progress regularly by testing the vocabulary you have learned. Celebrate every time you reach a major milestone on your journey to improving your English vocabulary. 

8. Using Vocabulary Building Apps

There are many applications created specifically to expand English vocabulary. Use these apps to learn new words, review previously learned vocabulary, and test your understanding through interactive exercises.

Some apps even provide features like flashcards to help you remember vocabulary more effectively.

9. Take Private Tutoring

To quickly and easily improve your English vocabulary, it is best to take private lessons which are widely available. So you can understand more easily and memorize more quickly.

The Importance of Learning English for Middle School Students

1. Golden age

Why is English important to teach from junior high school? Because according to a researcher, at primary-middle school age, children enter the normal operational and operational development stage, which means they are in the process of learning logical things.

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Apart from that, during childhood, the process of children’s brain development enters the Golden Age phase, where at this stage the child’s brain will experience very rapid growth and development, so that the introduction of English in childhood can certainly train children’s cognitive abilities.

2. Can take part in English speech or debate competitions

How important is it for middle school students to learn English? As we know, speech competitions or debate competitions are often held using English, so by learning English, students can also register as candidates for debate competitions.

And the measure of student achievement is also assessed from the competitions they have participated in, including English language competitions, so if your child wins the English language competition then he can be said to be an outstanding child.

3. Can communicate using English

Another important reason why junior high school students have to learn English is so that they can communicate using English well and correctly. Because the more languages they master, the better it is for the students themselves.

In fact, the ability to speak English that they master can later become a provision for the students concerned at the next level of education or in the world of work.

4. Provisions for Studying or Getting a Scholarship

It is normal that after graduating from junior high school, children will continue to high school, go to college and finally work. To continue studying and obtain a scholarship either at home or abroad, generally there is a requirement for a TOEFL or IELTS certificate and of course you are required to be able or have an understanding of English.

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Therefore, since you are still in junior high school, you should start learning English. This doesn’t mean that if we start learning English as adults we won’t be smart, but as the saying goes, “Practice Makes Perfect”, so the more you practice, the smarter you will be. and understand, if you can start learning English as a child, why should you delay? Moreover, English lessons are already available in junior high school.

That’s a little review that we can explain in this article regarding Tips for Expanding English Vocabulary for Middle School Students, we hope this article can be helpful and useful.

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