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The Benefits of Time Management to Organize Your Study Schedule Effectively for Elementary School Students

The Benefits of Time Management to Organize Your Study Schedule Effectively for Elementary School Students
April 16, 2024 laskarui
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The Benefits of Time Management to Organize Your Study Schedule Effectively for Elementary School Students

By managing time effectively, a person’s self-confidence can increase. The learning process can also become more effective.

If students have completed the schedule or small list of things they have to do every day well, they will feel satisfied and can know the progress of the tasks they have done and stabilize the process they have to go through. The following are the benefits of time management for elementary school students.

Benefits of Time Management for Elementary School Students

1. Reduces Stress

By managing time effectively, students can reduce their stress levels. When students can control their time well, the work they have to do will become easier. As a result, students can minimize the appearance of stress.

2. Have Greater Focus

Using time well can train students to be more focused on the activities they are doing. One example, on Monday, a student’s schedule is studying Mathematics and doing homework.

So, a student can focus on these activities without having to think about the activities they need to do the next day. Generally, students will lose focus on doing homework because they like to postpone work and forget the homework deadline.

3. Productivity Levels Become Higher

If students can focus their time and energy on results, they will be more productive. If you focus your time on assignments and other tasks that must be done, students’ time can be filled with many useful things.

4. Reduce Job Delays

If students waste a lot of time by putting off work, for example spending time playing without doing schoolwork, they will likely feel difficult the next day because their time has been wasted. If students are clearer and more focused on their goals and priorities, the work will become easier.

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6. Has Few Disturbances

If students can manage their time well, they will be less susceptible to distractions. If you can schedule time more effectively and can set boundaries, you will know exactly what to do and focus on activities that have become priorities which can ensure students do not feel disturbed.

6. Have a lot of energy

If someone has good time management, they will have plenty of time to do various activities on a regular schedule. Students also have time to rest and spend time playing with their families apart from spending time studying.

Time Management Methods for Elementary School Students

In fact, time management for elementary school students can be done in simple ways such as the following:

1. Arrange a Daily Schedule

The first way to manage time well for elementary school students is by preparing a daily schedule. As a parent, you must make a schedule that contains a list of tasks and activities that will be carried out today or a to-do list.

This daily schedule helps children remember what to do and avoid forgetting. Whether it’s study time, relaxing time, playing time, extracurricular time and so on.

An example of time management is that on Tuesday afternoons you have a football practice schedule, on Wednesdays you do laundry, and on Thursdays you have choir practice. If you only rely on memory while your child has quite a lot of activities in a day, the potential for forgetting is greater.

2. Create a Priority Scale

For elementary school students, they will definitely feel tired just from reading the activity schedule. This is a common thing, especially for children who cannot yet prioritize, so all of the day’s activities must be written down.

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A list of activities that is too long will psychologically make a person feel tired before they even get anything done. So how do you deal with something like this? Try checking your daily schedule again carefully, then separate what needs to be done first or is urgent, and what can be postponed to be done later.

3. Do it One by One

The next way to manage time for elementary school students is to work one by one based on a priority scale. In this way, you can work more effectively and efficiently in carrying out tasks. If you just look at a long schedule and you feel tired, you will definitely end up being lazy about doing it.

Therefore, do the main tasks one by one according to the priority scale that has been created. If you have finished working on the priority scale, then work on something else.

4. Don’t Postpone Work

One of the keys to managing your time well is not delaying work. Making a priority scale does not mean you can postpone work and make things easier.

In fact, the purpose of creating a priority scale is so that you can focus more on the tasks that need to be done, without being separated from others, so the results will be more optimal. Likewise, when tasks that are included in the priority scale have been completed, you must immediately work on the others so that they can be completed on time.

5. Focus and Discipline

One of the keys to success in dividing study time is discipline and focus. It cannot be denied that when implementing it, you can be distracted by things that are less important or you can suddenly feel lazy.

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If this is the case, then try to ensure that the child immediately returns to an attitude of discipline and focus. That way, you can get back on track with the daily schedule that has been made.

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