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Understanding Explanatory Texts, Characteristics, Objectives, Structure & Examples

Understanding Explanatory Texts, Characteristics, Objectives, Structure & Examples
Januari 15, 2024 laskarui
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Understanding Explanatory Texts, Characteristics, Objectives, Structure & Examples

So, that’s an example of explanatory text. This kind of text can be found in many textbooks and also in the news media. Such as science, history, geography books at school. For greater clarity, let’s take a closer look at the meaning of explanatory text, its characteristics, purpose, structure and examples.

Understanding Explanatory Texts, Characteristics, Objectives, Structure & Examples

Explanatory text is created to describe one or more events so that readers can gather important information from what is being explained. For more details, see the meaning below.

1. Understanding Explanatory Text

Explanatory text is a text that contains the process of how and why a phenomenon can occur. This phenomenon can be a particular natural, social, scientific and cultural phenomenon that occurs in everyday life.

Explanatory text is useful for readers so they can understand a phenomenon. Explanatory texts also have a cause and effect relationship in the process of the phenomenon.

Then, how do we know that the text we are reading is an explanatory text? Well, explanatory text has characteristics and structure. The following is the explanation.

2. Characteristics of Explanatory Text

The explanatory text itself has certain characteristics. For those who are still confused, here is a explanation:

3. The Structure is Clear

The most prominent characteristic of explanatory text is its clear structure. Therefore, the description structure begins with a general statement, followed by a sequence of cause-and-effect relationships, then on to the author’s interpretation or provisions.

4. Fact

According to its nature, data-based explanatory text is factual, based on data, and contains scientific discussion according to applicable science. Therefore, this type of text is not created imaginatively.

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5. Text

Informative contains the latest information tailored to the needs of the community. In other words, it is renewable or outdated. The word informative refers to the support of theories and scientific research that opens up more perspectives and viewpoints to readers.

6. Not Convincing or Not Persuasive

Explanatory text is different from editorial text. If an editorial is influential, the statement conveys more of the facts. The explanation given is an explanation of the causal process of the phenomenon.

7. Creating Sequence Markers

Sequence markers indicate a sequence or use point levels. For example, use the order First, Second, Third, Fourth, and so on. The last section contains important information and data that can answer this event. That is the characteristic of this text. Compared to other texts, explanatory texts tend not to be influenced by data or theory. Pure explanation also answers only one phenomenon.

8. Purpose of Explanatory Text

In terms of its purpose, the role of explanatory text is to report clearly the stages, steps and processes that occur in the phenomenon. Including providing reasons why this could happen. This type of text is very helpful for readers who don’t know why this phenomenon occurs.

The explanation is explained using simple and quite good language. It is hoped that many people can understand and understand. The level of reader understanding determines effectiveness and also determines attractiveness.

Explanatory Text Structure

Judging from the structure of descriptive text, there are several important sequences, namely as follows:

1. Title

Just like any text, of course there must be a title. Write in short, concise and clear language in relation to writing a good title. Writing titles does not need to be too long, eliminating the essence of what is being described. Try writing down points about the phenomenon you want to explain.

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2. General Statement

Then you can include a second structure to start with a general statement. To make a general statement, you can write it with simple information about the phenomenon. For example, start by explaining why this might happen. Or why is this only happening now, not yesterday or in the future?

Explaining the Sequence of Cause and Effect

The essence of how to write it is an explanation of causality. This is where a clearer explanation of the process begins. What are the stages before this phenomenon occurs? So, what is the impact? As well as an explanation of how to deal with the same phenomenon when it repeats itself in the future

3. Interpretation

This interpretation section can of course be filled with the author’s opinions and perspectives, based on descriptions of the data and the phenomenon itself. Finally, it closes with a conclusion. Conclusions need to be short, concise and clear. These are some of the structures that are less important when creating explanatory text. The purpose of a statement letter in good language is to provide understanding to the reader. Also avoid using local languages.

4. Example of an explanatory text about flooding

Flooding is a natural phenomenon in the form of water rising in an area and covering the surface of the area. Floods can also be seen as part of the water cycle, namely the part of surface water that flows into the ocean. Through the water cycle, it can be seen that the amount of water on the surface is influenced by rainfall and water absorption into the soil.

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Floods are naturally caused by local rainfall and the spread of runoff from upstream watersheds. Non-scientific floods can be caused by human activities. Natural flooding processes such as rain falling to the surface of the earth, being retained by plants, then entering the surface, flowing to lower areas, then evaporating and leaving the surface.

Floods that occur naturally can be a disaster for humans if they hit and harm humans. On the other hand, the process of unnatural flooding occurs due to human activities such as throwing rubbish and preventing water from flowing smoothly, so the more water that floats in the landfill, the longer it takes to evaporate out because it touches the ground and causes flooding.

The conclusion from the example description above is that the flooding process can occur naturally and with human intervention. Humans live in habitats that are essentially flood plains and can experience losses due to flooding.

If humans live in plain areas that frequently flood, then it is not the floods that come to humans, instead it is humans who come to floods.

So, that’s a discussion about the meaning of explanatory text,

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