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This is the Importance of Play-Based Learning in Early Childhood Education that You Need to Understand

This is the Importance of Play-Based Learning in Early Childhood Education that You Need to Understand
Juni 14, 2023 laskarui
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This is the Importance of Play-Based Learning in Early Childhood Education that You Need to Understand

Children at an early age tend to prefer to play, so you have to condition when they play and learn well. You can guide children to arrange the simplest or play music well. There are tons of other things to do like sand play or toy wax.

What are the Importance of Play-Based Learning in Early Childhood Education?

1. Sharpening Children’s Cognitive Abilities

Playing while learning can hone a child’s cognitive abilities. Children can have new knowledge and experiences when playing with friends. Besides that, they also feel the ability to think and communicate, as well as the ability to imagine which is trained by the method of playing while learning.

By playing while learning, the child’s ability to find out things that he thinks are foreign will increase. Children will unconsciously try a number of things they didn’t know before, children can also experiment and solve problems in the game.

2. Building Children’s Social Skills

When children play with parents or with peers, they will unconsciously build children’s social skills. The method is very easy because you can accompany or invite children to play with peers.

You can play games with children by encouraging children to negotiate or resolve a conflict together. When doing these activities, children will get used to meeting new people and not be selfish in their behavior.

3. Training Children’s Communication Skills

Playing while learning can also train children’s communication skills. You can invite children to role play, because by playing roles children will get used to communicating with their interlocutors. Role playing will also make children add new vocabulary so they don’t hesitate to say what they think.

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4. Training Children’s Physical Skills

The importance of play-based learning in early childhood education can train children’s physical skills. By playing, children can unconsciously work hard to train physical skills such as muscle control and training body balance.

With games like that, your child will find it easier to train other physical skills such as walking or jumping, even children can run and do other activities.

5. Improving Children’s Creativity

There are lots of games that can increase children’s creativity. When playing, children will use their imagination to think fully. When the imagination is used, the creativity that children have will develop much better.

When children play roles, of course they use their imagination to play these roles creatively. When children draw and color, children also use their imagination, so that the children’s drawings look much more attractive because there is an element of creativity from the children.

How important is play as part of learning?

The Importance of Playing While Learning

Playing is one of the most enjoyable activities and can help a child’s development. Playing at an early age is part of learning, because psychologists reveal that playing is the implementation of developmental stimulation.

Playing can also train children to improve cognitive function in exercising self-control and emotions and helping physical growth. Simultaneous learning games are related activities, not separate activities.

Opportunities to play and learn must be utilized in order to stimulate children to seek maximum potential. It also implements the interaction between parents and children which must be maintained because this activity can determine the child’s future.

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This simple perspective can certainly change the world, because 90% of a child’s brain is formed in the first 5 years. Only 10% of the brain is formed after the age of 5 years. This stimulation can make brain networks interconnected because stimulation is an activity that encourages aspects of child development outside of the child.

The most enjoyable way to stimulate development for children is through play. Parents can also give open questions rather than correction or criticism, as well as some corrections and criticism with other strategies so that children are comfortable and continue to explore themselves with parents as examples and models.

There are so many failures in instilling character in someone from an early age, thus forming a problematic personality in their adulthood. Playing can certainly hone and improve the intelligence possessed by children.

Children’s experience through play activities can provide a solid foundation for the attainment of skills that are needed in the future. Of course this is important for solving problems in life in the future. Children who spend a lot of time playing tend to be more able to solve problems in the next life, so that problems are more resolved.

Through playing children will learn to work together and be tolerant of others. Playing is also a child’s right, because children have the right to rest and take part in cultural and artistic activities.

Children also have the right to explore sensations and the environment by responding to their child’s attitudes and behavior with positive reinforcement. Parents can also relax and enjoy the atmosphere by not pushing their children to do more activities at home.

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The response from parents that must be given to children is a very positive attitude and behavior because it is very important in early childhood education. There is still a lot of media and discussion space to improve the concept of play because it has a fundamentally important role in ensuring early childhood education of the highest quality.

As we know that playing in early childhood education is not something that needs to be contradicted by the concept of learning. Because these activities have an important goal to increase public awareness of the importance of playing in early childhood. 

That’s all that can be reviewed in this article regarding the Importance of Play-Based Learning in Early Childhood Education, hopefully it can be helpful and useful.

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