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Developing Emotional Intelligence in Children: Strategies for Parents and Educators

Developing Emotional Intelligence in Children: Strategies for Parents and Educators
Juni 14, 2023 laskarui
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Developing Emotional Intelligence in Children: Strategies for Parents and Educators

Developing Emotional Intelligence in Children: Strategies for Parents and Educators makes children tend to absorb what they are taught more quickly. It is very important for parents to be able to instill emotional intelligence in children from an early age.

Emotional intelligence instilled from an early age will make children more familiar with the traits they have. That way, parents and educators can easily educate these children so that their emotions can be controlled very well. Of course this must be followed by some of the best strategies that must be well planned and well implemented.

Some Developing Emotional Intelligence in Children: Strategies of Parents and Educators

1. Setting a Good Example

You can get used to children to behave well towards other people which is one of the important things to train emotional intelligence. To train and accustom children to good behavior, you can give examples such as daily habits, namely when you want to ask for help from other people or other activities.

When you want to ask for help from other people, get used to the child to say the word please and don’t forget to remind the child to say thank you. Thus the child will gradually apply these habits when interacting with other people.

2. Helping Children Recognize Emotions

In order to grow emotional intelligence, of course children need to be trained and educated so they can recognize and control emotions. You can also guide children to express their emotions while watching movies or after listening to stories.

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Communication and affection are the most important keys to training children to recognize emotions and control these emotions. Therefore, it is very important for every parent to often ask what their child has felt and to train children to express their emotions honestly and openly.

When children behave violently or have tantrums because they feel negative emotions, then teach them to relieve or divert their emotions with positive things. You can invite the child to play or hug the child and let him cry.

3. Building Child Empathy

Empathy is one of the traits to help children care about other people and build good relationships with their environment later. You can certainly build a child’s sense of empathy by educating him to be more sensitive to the feelings of other people.

When a child tells a story about a friend who has lost a toy, then you can ask about the child’s feelings if he loses a toy. Of course, children must have empathy who are willing to lend their items to their friends.

By training children to get used to thinking about other people’s feelings, it certainly makes children more empathetic and sensitive to people and the surrounding environment. It can also make them wiser and behave better towards others.

4. Getting Children to Work Together

Cooperation and mutual cooperation are skills that can be taught through direct experience. Surely this can be practiced in everyday life, one of which is by asking children to help with simple homework.

Simple household chores are tasks such as clearing the table and washing fruit or vegetables. After he does this, you can thank the child for helping you. Some simple things that children do can certainly give children motivation to be more empathetic and happy to help others.

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5. Problem Solving Skills

There are other parts to emotional skills such as being able to solve a child’s problems on their own. When a child is fighting with a sibling or friend, of course you can take advantage of the situation to develop emotional intelligence.

When a child starts to get annoyed because his siblings are always bothering him while playing, then you can guide him to find a solution by giving him several choices of actions that can be taken. When this happens, children can certainly learn how to decide to solve problems appropriately.

6. Developing Confidence

You as a parent can also teach your child to build self-confidence and provide motivation so that the child can achieve their desires or goals. As a parent, you can also remind that this requires hard work and a lot of time.

From every business they do, of course it doesn’t always go well and there must be failure in it. This failure is a failure that is not always interpreted as a negative thing, because children can learn to avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

Your support and guidance can certainly help children to develop emotional intelligence properly. With good emotional intelligence, of course children will grow and develop into smart and healthy individuals. If you find it difficult to guide children or are still confused about how to train emotional intelligence, then you can consult a psychologist.

Important Strategies to Develop Emotional Intelligence

Important Strategy

Developing self-confidence certainly cannot be done instantly, because it requires an important strategy. There are many important strategies that you need if you want to develop self-confidence in your child.

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Confidence is self-confidence that must be trained continuously, so that children can easily develop this self-confidence.

That’s what can be explained in this article about Developing Emotional Intelligence in Children: Strategies for Parents and Educators, I hope this is useful.

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